• axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Real question, if these dorks don't believe classes exist, what do they think the function of a state is? Is there some other conflict within humanity that states mediate? It's probably some kind of dogshit like that racism simply happens for no reason, or criminality just comes from nowhere.

    What is supposedly the reason states exist within a neoliberal framework? Because if classes aren't something that are real, why is a state even there? Capitalism can't chug along without one?

    • yuli [she/her]
      7 months ago

      racism is just caused by people having misinformed ideas on race, and criminals just don’t properly reason about their actions or are immoral. the state exists simply to protect everybody’s human rights, which are established through rational discourse and proper argumentation. class interests? boorswasee? those are old bad ideas, now we have better ones like stakeholder capitalism <3

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        That really is the crux of their whole worldview, isn't it? Some people are dumb-dumbs and some people are smarty pants and it's the responsibility of the smart people to argue about why they should own everything.

        They only conceive of conflict as misunderstandings, or improper education. They can't see inherent conflict in material terms.

        • yuli [she/her]
          7 months ago

          Not just that, but even many otherwise very principled leftists do not think critically about some of the more deep-rooted Enlightenment-era values. You don't take off the glasses to see through ideology. Fascists don't diverge from a pre-ideological, objective reality, they aren't simply misinformed; they enjoy fascism. To quote Anti-Oedipus: "Hitler got the fascists sexually aroused." This is why tireless explanation alone does nothing to convince them out of their position, and possibly even feeds it. Žižek says a lot of silly stuff, but he's absolutely right in seeing the radicality in Freud and Lacan.

    • FakeNewsForDogs [he/him]
      7 months ago

      It’s because our ancestors in the state of nature collectively decided to form the social contract so they wouldn’t get eaten by cave bears. Hence the bourgeois state. Haven’t you read theory?