Yes I will elaborate.

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    3 years ago

    In a society that heavily promotes amatonormativity, my very existence as an aromantic person "smashes" those ideas. The "new contexts" are literally the thoughts and ideas I'm expressing. To me it's all bogus and there is nothing to really "fix" on my end, but that doesn't mean there isn't truth or insight to be gained from at least some of the outside perspective. To dismiss a critique of capital's very clear and drastic role in shaping our perception of romanticism and the roles we take through amatonormativity with "you might be right but the truth is that we can’t really fix this stuff by just saying it’s fake" feels very insecure and insincere.

    I won't morally judge you for this, and please don't take this as a rant or monologue for why you're being aphobic, but this comment is riddled with aphobia and inflicting more suffering than the topic has ever inflicted on me. Aro people exist and I think that jumping to the conclusion that us reflecting on our position in society relative to the extreme emphasis placed on our modern interpretation of romanticism will cause us "pain and suffering" is stinky stinky stinky. Aromanticism isn't a concept that causes me "pain and suffering", it's as second nature as being bi to me - it's just who I am.

    If anything this, frankly, reads with a degree of bias that screams "I know aro people exist and you're valid, but you must be so angry that you don't get to feel love the way I get to experience it. Being aro and stewing in anger like this can't be healthy."

      • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, again, I'm not angry. No where in here have I been overtly asstier or put people down. I could call you a "stinky allo" if you want to buy me dinner first, though. A critique of toxic components of modern romance is not taking away other people's agency to experience it and should certainly not be an attack on your world view the way it is now. It especially does not necessitate believing I have "justified anger" or that the thoughts and ideas of an aromantic person could only could come from a place of anger - I hope you reflect on that alone.

        Please explain to me why me being non-aro isn’t the same. Why do you think your own identity is more important than other’s?

        Yeah, I guess let me just never speak on trans issues or critique cisheteronormativity while I'm at it. I mean, what do you want me to say here? If the general attitude weren't to immediately dismiss these thoughts outright like has been done in this thread, there would be no need to be so forceful, don't you think?