And it's not me, it's the international community
Edit: I thought "sprite" meant "Sprite(R)" the drain opener
Edit 2: Nope there are br*ts in the comments saying Sprite(R) is a lemonade
And it's not me, it's the international community
Edit: I thought "sprite" meant "Sprite(R)" the drain opener
Edit 2: Nope there are br*ts in the comments saying Sprite(R) is a lemonade
In Arg we call fizzy water "soda", and all sugary fizzy drinks "gaseosa" (literally "gaseous"/"fizzy"), but 10 years ago those CocaCola bastards invented "aguas saborizadas" ("flavored water") that is the same sugary liquid but without the gas so people were marketed to believe it was healthier despite being equally sugary you fucking idiot can't you see how sticky it is? Can't you see all the flies atracted to it? I'm not even asking you to read the fucking label of what you put inside your guts
Love paying for flat coke :visible-disgust: You have to love capitalist innovation
It tastes actually worse, the fizzynes hides the excess sugaryness