• LamontCranston [any]
    4 years ago

    That's just angry teenagers saying that.

    The Bulgarian Plot is interesting, the people promoting that were Claire Sterling and Michael Ledeen.

    Sterling had been a disinformation agent for the British in the 1940s and 50s and by the 1980s was banding about claims that the Soviets were behind every single terrorist organization and every act of terrorism and responsible for every revolutionary group and war that had been going on since the 1970s and it was all a massive plot to destabilize the west and undermine the USA - her work was being cited by CIA chief and other administration officials who refused to believe CIA analysts telling them not only was there was no basis for her work but some of it was based on stories the CIA had itself planted in the foreign press!

    Ledeen is a long time neocon grifter who may be an agent of the Italian military intelligence, SISMI, or even the P2 Masons. I shit you not. He worked with a SISMI agent promoting anti-Carter smear “billygate” in 1980 trying to claim is party animal brother Billy Carter was some how connected to Kaddafi. He was connected to Iran Contra through introducing Manucher Ghorbanifar to several of its players. In the 2000s he was a big supporter of invading Iraq and has connections to the Niger Letter forgery. Today he promotes the “clash of civilizations” view positing America must lead the world in a war against Iran.