Honestly RIP TB. Live fast, die young, spend a full hour of your 1.25hr game review going over the options menu. Unironically the best game reviewer out there besides Sterling.
TB was afaik in it for the "ethics in journalism" thing instead of the sexism. Based on his general history and behavior I think if he hadn't kicked the bucket he would have renounced his views on GG. He was fairly apolitical as far as I remember, but even as a dummy centrist he was primarily a consumer advocate and not whatever species The Quartering and similar G*mers are.
You're confusing him for a different aloof misanthropic British video game person
Honestly RIP TB. Live fast, die young, spend a full hour of your 1.25hr game review going over the options menu. Unironically the best game reviewer out there besides Sterling.
TB was a gamergater?
TB was afaik in it for the "ethics in journalism" thing instead of the sexism. Based on his general history and behavior I think if he hadn't kicked the bucket he would have renounced his views on GG. He was fairly apolitical as far as I remember, but even as a dummy centrist he was primarily a consumer advocate and not whatever species The Quartering and similar G*mers are.
yeah fuck him
spiffingbrit best aloof engl*sh gamer lad