I met some long time friends for pizza and beer tonight and i thought it was a fun night but right before we parted ways the two of them held an intervention with me. They said i was bringing up "socialist stuff" too much and it was making them depressed. They said to keep the conversation exclusively to things like games and anime. That if i didnt stop they didnt want to be friends anymore. Have you guys/gals/nonbinary pals experienced something like this before?

  • AtomPunk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yah my friends try to remain nonpolitical by reddit standards in that they’ll blame the CPC for something but they don’t attempt to explore their ideology. They’re good people tho, and I reign in my politics in order to keep the convo from being too serious. I’ve made some edgy comments about :melon-musk: and they try to steer away from the subject. I can’t be rambling about the CIA or Xi or whatever all day, that’s pathological. We’ve drifted apart for work reasons rather than for political reasons