every time I just turn into that pompeii corpse that looks like he died jackin it
I was never more sad than on the day that I learned that said guy was almost certainly not masturbating and instead just curling in pain.
That poor bastard's probably hurting a lot more than I am though
every time I just turn into that pompeii corpse that looks like he died jackin it
went out doing what he loved, respect to that
It's been easy for me because I haven't had strong enough of an opinion to say anything
Virgin debatebro vs. Chad guy who doesn't even have an opinion on anything
Thad poster who starts a struggle session and then doesn't comment after
About misogynistic language. Lasted about an hour and then the post was deleted
But tell me, how do you feel about vegan outdoor cats with nonstandard pronouns
Not yet, I cut out the background for a :commie-devito: emote, but it's up to someone else entirely to actually add the short soviet in
I'm not really sure, I've just seen people post emote suggestions with the category they should go in on c/emoji, so I did the same with the couple I made.
Whoops I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong