Did you know that pharmaceutical companies paid doctors to prescribe opioids, creating a heroin epidemic, and made billions of dollars doing it?

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    At the same time I hate being treated like a drug seeker by every doctor because I need something to take care of the constant pain of degenerative disease and most stuff doesn't work. So we have doctors giving opioids to people that don't need them, like in the meme you posted, and witholding opioids from patients that do need them. This behaviour also fuels the drug crisis, because now someone that needs pain medication is going to turn to illegal/hard drugs, or get opioids illegally though other means, without the supervision or dosage from a medical professional. This means that they're also very likely to get addicted or have an OD eventually though self dosage and diagnosis. The whole situation is just so messed up.

    • NeverGoOutside [any]
      3 years ago

      Yes indeed. All drugs should be legal and available. Trust people to know what they need/want in life.

      There has been a backlash recently which causes the doctors to stop prescribing opioids. I guess they realized that they were killing too many useful labor cogs that they had put time and money into creating as skilled and loyal labor….

      It’s incredible how effectively the government controls them all. That’s why they only mostly let rich frat boys become doctors.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah probably, opioid related deaths went up 30% last year in the US. The pandemic also doesn't help. But I swear some doctors don't think and just take the latest advice and apply it to everyone. Like yeah it's very wrong to prescribe opioids to most people, it's completely unnecessary and risky, but they exist for a reason. Some people really need them after a serious injury or illness. Check out some horror stories on the chronic pain subreddit (I know Reddit sucks, but yeah) about doctors not using common sense.

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          Oh yeah i understand. There are tons of people who need them who now can’t get them, because the government allowed pay for play prescribing by scumbag doctors to anyone and everyone. In Europe that never would have been allowed, meaning no backlash would’ve been triggered.

          Welcome to Puritan ass America.

          I suggest drinking yourself to death or getting a gun and leveling the playing field. Obviously the latter only in minecraft.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            I not American so no gun lol. I was just commenting on the general situation there, the new CDC guidelines for prescribing medicine look disastrous to me.

              • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
                3 years ago

                Piss test before starting opioid therapy, searching up people on the state portal for previous drug use, prescription or criminal offences, Nonpharmacologic therapy being forced onto everyone even in cases where it provides no benefit. Yeah physiotherapy is great for a ton of conditions, it helps me a lot, but a cancer patient is not going to benefit much from that when their pain is coming from chemo and their tumours.

                Stuff like this is just going to fuel the drug crisis because people will turn to illegal hard drugs. Despite doctors in the US prescribing around 50% less opioids now than they did 8 years ago, opioid related deaths and overdoses are still rising, because people now are just take street opioids

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          I mean, what would you do if a family member died of an opioid overdose after years of addiction that began with an overly generous pain prescription after a broken bone??

          Hypothetically of course.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            I mean that's why I said opioids are bad for most people. You have to control the situation a lot, and there needs to be guidance. You can't just send someone away with a large box of strong pills. My doctor for instance weaned me off the really strong medication after it wasn't necessary any more after an operation. You can't allow dependancy or tolerance to build up.

            If I, or anyone else died from addiction caused by opioids it would be very sad. I wouldn't be able to blame my doctor because they did the right thing with dosages, etc to prevent any dependancy from forming. But if they just kept prescriping the really strong meds then yeah I'd be very resentful towards them.

  • Cowboyitis69 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hi I’m bob. My son got ptsd from doing an imperialism in Iraq. Now he’s sad and has overdosed on happy pills......I hate my wife.

  • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
    3 years ago

    It goes much deeper. There’s better links but this was the only one I could find right now cuz it’s super past my bedtime


    The bigger problem is drug prohibition. Most of the heroin addictions were “caused by” doctors cutting patients off clean pharmas. It’s a story you hear over and over.

      • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
        3 years ago

        including heroin

        yep, it should also be a “clean pharma”

        And then we need socialism to take care of the material (and spiritual or “spiritual” if you prefer) conditions, a la the rat park studies.

    • NeverGoOutside [any]
      3 years ago

      I think it goes all the way to US government control of opioid production in Afghanistan. Much like they did in Vietnam/Laos/cambodia/etc.

      They give specific companies license to import opium. They control it from the top. They are the world’s drug dealer. Then they use prohibition, control, distribution, legalization, etc to carry out certain objectives like destroying working class communities, imprisoning certain populations for forced labor, allowing certain well connected corporations or families (sacklers) to become rich, etc etc.

      It’s deep for sure. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but if the US government isn’t exposed as controlling the drug market once it falls, i will be pretty surprised. Many incentives line up on their own, but some seem to only line up when actively arranged in certain ways. Iran contra, air america, etc. it comes out once in a while but the whole operation never gets covered widely enough to bring down those who control it.