My experience with them from early 360 days is that they were all 12 trying to be edgy and "cool" using the words they were never allowed to say around their parents and then they continued playing shitty games with other 12 year olds as they aged and never mentally grew up so they just continued to spout their slurs. Then over time they internalized them and started actually hating poc, Jews, women, gays, and de evil sjws
My experience with them from early 360 days is that they were all 12 trying to be edgy and "cool" using the words they were never allowed to say around their parents and then they continued playing shitty games with other 12 year olds as they aged and never mentally grew up so they just continued to spout their slurs. Then over time they internalized them and started actually hating poc, Jews, women, gays, and de evil sjws