Hello neurodivergent comrades and allied neurotypical comrades! This months mega-thread is all about architecture, so talk about your favorite buildings, monuments, architectural styles, historical developments in design and construction methods, etc.

As always, feel free to completely ignore the theme and post what you want! We’re just happy to have you!

If you want to talk about something related to this month's theme but can’t think of anything to say, then here’s some questions to try and answer to get you started:

  • What's your favorite style(s) of architecture and why?
  • What's your favorite building (and/or monument, etc.) and why?
  • What buildings/architectural styles to you not like?
  • How has architecture had an impact on your neurodivergence?
  • And on a slightly different note, how has your neurodivergence impacted the way you experience/interact with architecture?

Previous Thread: Megathread #8: Storytelling

Drop any suggestions for future Megathreads here

Important Community Stuff:

1.) First and Most Important

We want everyone here to feel safe and comfortable to post and participate in this community. We know there’s a bit of fear that even just one simple misunderstanding or ‘off’ social interaction will get you banned and slandered.

We just wanted to make it crystal clear that we will not let that be the case in this community. We understand very well how it feels for a social engagement to be going great and then suddenly its gone sour and it’s your fault and you don’t even know why everyone’s upset, and then without being given a chance to even learn what the problem was or grow, are cast out.

That won’t fly here. You won’t be cast aside for one or even multiple mistakes so long as it’s clear you’re doing your best to improve. Obviously, this isn’t a blank check for people to be abusive or hateful and get away scot-free, this policy can extend only as far as good faith. If you have any concerns or questions feel free to ask in the comments or dm us!

2.) Interest Spotlights

We’ve been getting suggestions that we should find ways to help users be able to spotlight their interests, as we’ve done here with this megathread, one other idea we had is to explicitly state that if you make a post about your interest and you want it spotlit, just @ one of the mods in a comment in the thread and we’ll pin it! Just ask!

3.) Tagging

Please let us know if you all would think of a more robust tagging system of posts, such as how [effort post] is commonly used, but maybe for stuff like [support] when you need to vent and want support, [venting] for when you need to vent but don’t want anyone to engage with it, stuff like that. It will normalize being able to directly ask for what you need, and it’s easy for us to imagine someone making a post to vent or complain about something but doesn’t want to or isn’t comfortable with people giving advice or pitching solutions. You don’t have to tag every post, but we want to encourage this as an option for people who would like it.

4.) It's ok to ask for upvotes

We think it’s okay for someone to explicitly ask to be upvoted, or for support, or to feel comfortable saying “I stayed up all night making this” because you stayed up all night making something that is something that you are proud of!

5.) Please contact mods about problems

Please read this post if you haven't already

TL:DR: Don't subtweet about issues you have with c/ND mods or about issues with the treatment of ND users on the site as a whole. Contact us directly about either of those issues and we'll try our best to resolve it. Good mods to contact are listed in the linked post.

Alt tl:dr: "To indulge in irresponsible criticism in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to the organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards. To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination. This is a second type [of liberalism]." - Mao Zedong

    • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, that does look pretty cool. I don't think I've ever seen a curved platform before. Kinda wondering how many other example of that there are.

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    3 years ago

    i like: DECO. Like the Eastern Columbia Building. Holy Shit. LA Central Library. loads of awesome movie theatres.

    Art Nouveau is also really cool but its architecture is less distinct and more a decorative style, really the insides of nouveau buildings are the hot part

    Extremely honorable mention is the Berzieri Terme in Salsomaggiore, which i guess is technically Deco but like, goddamm

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    I'm a sucker for Victorian styles, especially second empire and Queen Anne. I love how you can tell a lot of work and thought went into them (not just like sheets of mdf hot-glued together like you'd see in a 5-over-1 or "luxury condos") and I like how everything is a little wacky.

    They have a lot more room for personality than modern construction. Hard to get away with painting other styles of houses hot pink or bright cerulean or something

  • cumslutlenin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    And on a slightly different note, how has your neurodivergence impacted the way you experience/interact with architecture?

    Echoey spaces with low ceilings (like a lot of gyms or art galleries, for instance) completely wreck my auditory processing. Possibly because of that, I love Gothic Revival churches and public buildings, great combination of silence and beautiful sounds. Plus gargoyles. :kkkanada: but look at the stone carvings: https://loiselleblog.com/2013/03/22/gargoyles-on-parliament-hill/

    • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Echoey spaces with low ceilings (like a lot of gyms or art galleries, for instance)

      It's only tangentially related, but this reminded me that I'm really not the biggest fan of large open indoor spaces like sports arenas/stadiums/etc. (gyms are fine though). I don't think it's in any way related to me having ADHD, but for some reason I've experienced vertigo on a few occasions while standing at/near ground level in an indoor stadium. It doesn't happen all of the time and it usually passes pretty quickly, but it's still strange that it happens.

  • Ness [he/him]M
    3 years ago

    how has your neurodivergence impacted the way you experience/interact with architecture?

    Whenever the floor has a checked pattern, I only try to step on one color for some reason. I dunno why but its fun for me

  • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yesterday was pretty cool. Was not expecting to be one of the featured posts for the day, but I'm certainly not complaining 'cause now I know there's at least a handful of other users on this site who also DJ.