If you thankfully don't know him, here's his wiki. Willy G. is one of the foremost demonstrations of the deep rot within the American Special Forces. He is a militant protestant fundamentalist that, in his words to me, lead the finest men of America in a crusade across the world to protect America and her people from the darkest of evils in the world. (coincidentally a lot of his operations occurred across Latin America, Africa, and central and west Asia, where Delta still skulks around to this day) He is thoroughly convinced America was founded according to God's will, that pastors and preachers leading their flocks in their own crusades against the British was the reason why America won it's independence, and that it is the sworn duty of every God-Fearing American to protect and preserve the constitution and the American way of life.

He is a religious zealot that's one of the ghouls behind the scenes galvanizing the hogs to run wild with the Red Scare 3. If you ever get a chance to meet him or listen to him talk, I'd say do it so you get a solid understanding of the unnegotiable insanity we're facing against.

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Easy, maybe, in some contexts. But just lopping off one head of the hydra at the cost of your own life would accomplish nothing.