My brain is literally :ohnoes: right now reading this. This is genuine self harm. Send :blob-help: .

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    If anything Christine was an outlier, she is mentally unwell, unable to contribute to the economy via such traditional things like buying a home, a car, starting a family, she was dependent on welfare which capitalists absolutely detest.

    She's a spectacle and spectacles have their role to play in neoliberalism, too.

    The fact that she's not "productive" is counter to neoliberalism. But her role as this social target for hate and fear generates all sorts of value for the neoliberal state. The whole RedPill screed illustrates as much. Fixating people who are unhappy with their lives on an internet pinata helps mystify the economic system and terrify people into alienation.

    But even beyond that, I think Contrapoints tackled the issue well in Cringe. Its just becoming another variation of the clout economy. Rather than becoming the spectacle (a la the Hammer City guy) you pick someone out as your punching bag spectacle and build clout through exaggerated outrage. Rush Limbaugh's career was heavily predicated on this technique.