The actual harm reduction candidate was... Nobody. There wasn't one. The harm was always going to happen, there was no choice to have less of it. The only choice was who you wanted to do the harm, who you wanted the harm to be done to, and where you wanted that harm to be done.
I don't like to just blame Reagan for everything as it ignores the fact society was already fucked up enough to create and elect Reagan before Reagan was president
The actual harm reduction candidate was... Nobody. There wasn't one. The harm was always going to happen, there was no choice to have less of it. The only choice was who you wanted to do the harm, who you wanted the harm to be done to, and where you wanted that harm to be done.
perfect answer Jack
It has been Ronald Reagan vs Ronald Reagan my entire life
That's a perfect way to phrase it. Reagans all the way down
I don't like to just blame Reagan for everything as it ignores the fact society was already fucked up enough to create and elect Reagan before Reagan was president
As the Chinese like to put it "western democracy is a system where you can't change the menu but you can choose the chef"