That… that’s not what LTV is. Please tell me you know that’s not what LTV is? Because that’s nearly the exact opposite of Marx’s theory of the value of labor.
No one takes labor theories of value seriously. It’s hammering a square peg into a round hole to try and support the proposition that the person who does the most valuable work is responsible for the value of the outputs, but you don’t need to fudge the economics to come to that conclusion…
it’s not the labor that determines the value of the outputs, it’s the value of the outputs that determine the value of the labor. Which is the subjective or marginal theory of value, a clear and straightforward rejection of the labor theory of value.
About a million Leftist theorists and economists have improved on Marx’s very limited understanding of microeconomics, and anyone who subscribes to Marx’s theories in toto is a dunce.
if you truly believe exchange value is not subjective and marginal on a microeconomic level…. well… I’m not sure I can help you on that one, but I would happily sell you two right shoes and one left.
When you think you understand economics but don’t know the difference between price and value