• please_dont [he/him]
    3 years ago

    When you say "real material choice" you must be more specific. Even for the big majority of people of low income backgrounds that enlist (which is noticably less of a % than a lot of people think) the choice isnt between enlisting to the most genocidal and destructive org in modern history(not saying the already knew it or should) or starvation,asbolute poverty and homelessness. It usualy is between a sucky ,struggling to make ends meet life with no upwards social mobility that is still better than what billions of people experience or enlisting. So it depends if you consider this "not having a real material choice" and if you expect a non american or third worlder to think of it as such . Also thinking about how this can be applied to other jobs that offer safe and stable income and have a similar % of poor people joining in like lets say cops and in context of how that "understanding" could be applied in many other cases through modern history

    • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
      3 years ago

      I've said it before, the only reason I joined the military is cause I was homeless, so those people do exist. On top of that most people don't sign up cause they actually want to fight, its just a well paying job. America has crazy amounts of military and anti "terrorism" propaganda, most people really don't have any idea of the horrors our military commits. And even if they end up realizing it after they join (I didn't even see any of it till I was about a year in) you can't get out, getting out of a military contract is damn near impossible and if you go AWOL you go to jail for a long time.

    • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
      3 years ago

      "They say that the next soldier to murder one of our family members will be from an underserved community and just wanted healthcare. Really makes you feel like you're part of history".