• Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    Look this is gonna be a hot take

    I simultaneously do not think those soliders should have been there and morally i think they made A Bad Choice AND the i think the idea of punishing people based on their past actions is not actually going to be productive unless you're actually preventing them from doing more bad things, which having PTSD will likely not do :C

    Anyway i get it, just a bit, no one's gonna see it etc. just like, idk i actually read those prison abolitionist texts and i'd really we just rehab people if we can, and try breadpill them on the uselessness of the amerikkkan gov/what they felt they were forced to do.

    Like if we're gonna go the punishment route let's at least hope for some fucking ghosts of the people they killed haunt them that force them to stand on a war trial (where the community harmed takes justice) rather than using mental illness as punishment.

    Ok yea that's it, that's my spicy take. Sorry for being too nice to war criminals. I still think they should go to trial and their victims' families get a say in whatever kind of retribution they want, but even then inflicting what is essentially a mental illness onto someone is tantamount to psychological torture and more war crimes sooo...

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I simultaneously do not think those soliders should have been there and morally i think they made A Bad Choice AND the i think the idea of punishing people based on their past actions is not actually going to be productive unless you’re actually preventing them from doing more bad things, which having PTSD will likely not do :C

      This kind of makes it sound like someone's going to go out there and actively spook troops into having PTSD.

      Nobody is inflicting a punishment onto the troops (even though, as you said, they should face trial). They're just suffering the natural consequences of their own shitty and immoral decision.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Especially when you consider what traumatized men robbed of emotional skills by their culture bring home to their communities.

      I really wish more people here read as much Angela Davis as they read Lenin.

    • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Yeah but troops getting PTSD gives me future clients in my line of work and then I can try and radicalize them