• LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    These people really think a couple of PMCs who have never held a gun before will be able to ‘hold the line’ against thousands of battle hardened militants

    I've seen this line of thinking with a lot of things. I'm starting to see how deeply American Exceptionalism is ingrained into the heads of some people because I hear dumb shit all the time about how "if something like that were happening here we would fight and win because 2nd Amendment America McDonalds iPhone Freedom!" but it's like no dude, you would probably die.

    Like, I hear this shit with the cartels in Mexico. They act as if Mexican citizens are just fucking stupid or something (obviously because they're brown) and willingly accept cartels vs. having to live with it because they're very well organized paramilitary organizations who use counterinsurgency techniques (gee I wonder whose fault that is) and have way more guns than you do