• KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, and on top of that the left column is just showing off commodified cultural tourism stuff where everyone's smiling at him because it's in their material best interest to do so (not that the people who work jobs like that are so cynical they'd never genuinely smile while interacting with a tourist since even tourists can still be affable and pleasant to others on occasion, but "greasy middle aged racist in business casual out to 'experience culture'" is not someone anyone would willingly smile at), while the right column is literally just cities where people are going about their own business instead of putting on a show for tourists from the imperial core.

    The whole thing's just a big mess of brainworms that can't even conceive of people in the periphery as anything but at-best some exotic scenery to gawk at when on vacation, and any life they have that isn't for the sake of western tourists is somehow wrong and infuriating. They can't even make their propaganda anything other than "I'd like to look at them and be served by them, but they have to stay far away and exotic or I will demand they be violently punished for existing," and they think that's putting their fascist nonsense in a good light.

    I imagine one could fill volumes with analysis and commentary on that strain of racist brainworm.