
Total Cases: 94,472

Deaths: 4,636

7-Day Average for New Cases Last Week: 113


Total Cases: 37.3 Million

Death: 624,000

7-Day Average for New Cases Last Week: 140,000

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This isn't even the opposite though, lol? This is an "imagine if Capitalism worked and communism didn't" scenario.

    Any case: the thing that needs to be ground into these people's skulls over and over again until they finally get it is this:

    Even if Covid-19 came from a lab leak in China, or hell even if we're gonna go super conspiratorial and say the Chinese released it intentionally:

    The Death toll and the fallout from Covid-19 in the United States is and forever will be the fault of our own government. They didn't have to end the lockdown, or open up the schools, or short change their stimulus payments. ALL of that was by choice, plain and simple. Our leaders and owners made a decision that it was more important that the market be sated then our lives be protected. Those deaths are on capitalism hands, the end.