On Wednesday, @DannyDevito expressed solidarity with striking Nabisco workers.“NO CONTRACTS NO SNACKS,” he tweeted.Today, Twitter stripped him of his verified status, DeVito confirmed to More Perfect Union. pic.twitter.com/rbYfM90sOs— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) August 19, 2021
Danny DeVito was born in late 1944, he was just before the literal Baby Boom that the generation originally referred to before it just became shorthand for anyone over 35. If you're going to care about generations he is very much culturally a boomer.
I said culturally he is a boomer which is absolutely true. Specifying that a dude born in 1944 isn't technically a boomer is entirely missing the point and is being pedantic. He did all the same shit boomers did. Generations are a cultural construct. What material difference does the month and a half difference actually make on any way? It doesn't. So yes it's pedantic. Eat my dad's ass
You could also argue that the first few boomers were culturally silent generation. Vague generational divides go both ways. It’s a pointless debate that was needlessly escalated
Oh yeah, he got his start on Taxi in the late 70s. He's been around for a very long time. Looking him up, he worked with his sister as a beautician in the early sixties and got a start in theatre with a feminist collective. He's based as fuck.
Danny DeVito was born in late 1944, he was just before the literal Baby Boom that the generation originally referred to before it just became shorthand for anyone over 35. If you're going to care about generations he is very much culturally a boomer.
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He's off by a month and a half. Stop being pedantic.
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I said culturally he is a boomer which is absolutely true. Specifying that a dude born in 1944 isn't technically a boomer is entirely missing the point and is being pedantic. He did all the same shit boomers did. Generations are a cultural construct. What material difference does the month and a half difference actually make on any way? It doesn't. So yes it's pedantic. Eat my dad's ass
The fact that people are getting upset by this comment is hilarious. You're 100% correct.
You could also argue that the first few boomers were culturally silent generation. Vague generational divides go both ways. It’s a pointless debate that was needlessly escalated
Danny DeVito went to college in the 60s and his career boomed through the late 70s through the 80s. Dude had a pretty typical boomer life even.
You will not get me to take a side in this reddit-brained debate :meow-shining: :centrist:
No, gotta split hairs so someone you like doesn't fall into a 20 year spanning generation because meme says they're bad.
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Based on your specifications most grunge bands were also boomers.
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Yet you still needed the last word. Don't start shit and then act like I bothered you.
holy shit, I didn't know he was in his 70s
Oh yeah, he got his start on Taxi in the late 70s. He's been around for a very long time. Looking him up, he worked with his sister as a beautician in the early sixties and got a start in theatre with a feminist collective. He's based as fuck.