Been getting pretty doomerpilled lately, especially after watching the media go into overdrive promoting the Afghan occupation. I need guidance from the wise minds of

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I unironically don't, I have literally no faith anything will get better. If climate collapse is all it's cracked up to be we're beyond fucked.

    The only thing keeping me going is that this reality isn't actually "reality" and there is something beyond this mortal coil, but I kind of doubt that too.

    I've just become fairly detached from it all. I think having reflected so much on death in the past year has given me the perspective that nothing really matters. If the materialist conception of metaphysics is indeed correct, we just simply stop existing one day, and it's all like a dream that won't be remember because the whole that made up "you", and everything else that came with it is gone. I think that makes the immense suffering under capitalism a little more palatable, even if eternal oblivion is in and of itself a terrifying proposition