Been getting pretty doomerpilled lately, especially after watching the media go into overdrive promoting the Afghan occupation. I need guidance from the wise minds of

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    3 years ago

    I believe in the existence of a Silent Majority, who either consciously or subconsciously despise capitalism and are open to alternatives to it, held back only by the state monopoly of violence and the lack of imagination we call capitalist realism

    This is a Long War friends, the goal in times of rightward expansions should be to secure yourselves, so you can help secure others, wallowing in the death of social democratic revivalism is not something that should break your faith in humankind

    Even with the resources of the world, these parasites still feel the need to devote entire industries of cultural production to squash our ideas and philosophies, that's because they're scared, we spooked them, all that effort for little old us, we won the debates and they know if we ever got the chance to pull a global Sankara on their ass it would be over for them