• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    9 个月前

    I think subconsciously

    I agree. I think he broke his own brain.

    I've followed him for years and before he was willing to criticize the dems. But for about the last six months to a year all he does is whine on and on about this pet topics like the fact Bidenomics is working and Trump will kill democracy. He also got trolly. Before he got into arguments with leftists before but I never paid attention. It was "you're wrong!" stuff that's common on the net. But with his whining he's constantly punching left.

    Trump is polling ahead of Biden in every swing state. Biden is a fucking horrible candidate who is dead in the water. Stancil can be foolish but he's not a total fool and in some fashion he understands if the Biden and the dems actually wanted to win - they'd run on other things. And they would have started to do that already. This is pure fantasy but they could say they if they take they house - they will pass federal legislation on abortion, voting, etc. Plus they say they'd pass a federal minimum wage law.

    I think a lot of what he's doing is talking to himself out loud in public because he knows he has to be right about everything yet why do so many people tell him all the time that he's wrong? He knows vote scolding about Bidenomics and the importance of democracy is a ginormous loser but he just can't help himself from doing it nearly every single day.

    • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
      9 个月前

      He’s becoming a poster boy for the “the system cannot fail, we can only fail the system” crowd. Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a cushy sinecure position in the Democrat-adjacent universe in the near future.

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        9 个月前

        a poster boy

        I entirely agree.

        a cushy sinecure

        I don't think so. I know he's a lawyer. He must have some job where if he doesn't use swear words, he isn't vile, he isn't directly hateful - he can punch left on Twitter to his heart's content. He's snarky and sarcastic when he punches left which is not the way to punch if you want a cushy dem gig. Instead you retweet and if you actually tweet/punch yourself - you phrase things so there's enough vagueness and complexity you can say people misunderstand you and/or misquoted you. Nate Silver is a master of that.