I figure it's even money between Gruesome Newsom and Chilldawg

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Yes. I think they do actually want to win. At least most of them do. I think the problem is the DNC has a more fundamental contradiction of interests (not contradiction in the Marxist sense) than the GOP does. The GOP can serve the economic interests of the elite and then fuck over everyone else so long as they make the white people feel special. That’s the deal that’s always been in place, let the bourgeoisie have everything they want so long as the white folks are given a special place via free land / treats / feelings of superiority.

    The Democrats don’t have that. The donors they represent are fundamentally at odds with large amounts of their supporters. There is no way to serve the interests of the workers, young people, and POC that support them and also the bourgeoisie. So the DNC is forced to do things they know will piss off their electorate because they can’t cross the donors. And it’s not just that they want the money so they can pocket it, but also because money wins elections. If I want to get really speculative, I would say the reason the left gets so much pressure to vote is because deep down, the libs know what’s going on. They know if we don’t just go along with getting screwed over the Democratic Party would collapse.