Watch :reddit-logo: tear itself to pieces as they share their so called "opinions" about an autistic man who likes to report the weather.
Redditors, in their typical shithead fashion, assume that Neurodivergent people can't actually accomplish anything because they are insecure about the fact that they have done nothing of note
Yo, this dude rules. The skits he does are hilarious, and he's gotten some decently accurate weather reports in the past.
So dude loves the weather and wrote a book about it. History's greatest monster right here
You know who else put his image everywhere? Hitler.
I literally don't get it. Why are people saying "great job" getting downvoted to fuck?
Edit: sorry I don't follow this or know this guy at all.
he submits images on r/pics, mostly of himself in various weather conditions, also he's autistic. Some redditors like his posts, others really fucking hate them
every picture he posts starts a huge struggle session, it is glorious! :sicko-laser: