• FourteenEyes [he/him]
    9 months ago

    The irony of using AI to generate these things is always funny to me

    Also love how they got indoor diner-style tables set up in the parking lot of... a roof? Just a roof, I guess.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      9 months ago

      Reactionaries have to keep using AI to make mythical pictures of the white working class because the working class of today is not white and not male.

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        9 months ago

        They don't want to drive to actual Appalachia to see real white poverty cuz that make trick them into being commies

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Reactionaries are also, generally, bereft of artistic talent. When’s the last time you’ve heard of great art made by an Evangelical Christian?

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I too, remember when I lived in the group of men sitting around table, laughing, trucks behind them, at a truck stop, painted work, artstation, good art, 4k

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    9 months ago

    Me and the boys having our breakfast of coffee and amphetamines iwth a big plate of bacon and grits and pancakes and amphetamines bfore we get on the road to 18 hours o f amapehtamines hauling hogs to amphetamins in and dtraking the log bpooks toooooo Jimmy needs his medicine alright if I don't make it to nashville tonight I won't ba able to make the payment on the truck.

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      9 months ago

      If you remove the last part this actually sounds like an ideal life for me

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      9 months ago

      fr though, if you look at average life expectancy of people various lines of work, long-haul trucking has to be way down on the list (at least in the US).

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        Word. Sitting that long is bad for you all by itself, in a blood clots kind of way.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    i saw this one posted around in earnest a bunch of times on reactionary boomer facebook (i keep an account just to spy on them)

    There are more and more AI images being shared around by older conservative folk who don't seem to even realize it's AI. There's thousands of them just like this. White folk sitting around doing white people things. Some of their groups have become flooded with happy pleasant Normal Rockwell style pictures of smiling white people with 14 fingers and non-euclidian geometry. But no one ever calls it out. They eat that slop right up and don't even focus on the details like mangled English or joints going in incorrect directions. It's like the Pleasantville-esque vibrations override their uncanny valley, or maybe they're just not too familiar with what an image generator AI is.

    On some level I feel glad for them. They get to spend their twilight years seeing pleasant AI images without the scrutiny we have. They're seeing the best pictures they've ever seen, they adore this stuff. I constantly see people in those groups asking who the artist is, or if they can buy the picture and frame it. Imagine going over to mee-maw's house and there's a portrait of a 3 armed pastor in a church reading from a "Huvlev Brobablw" with a congregation of twisted indistinct shapes. And meemaw sees nothing the matter with it at all, doesn't even notice.

    on another level I'm just sad

  • copandballtorture [ey/em]
    9 months ago

    Reminds me of when Top Gear did their first America road trip special and they got CB radios to talk to truckers, and the only things the truckers talked about were the weather and where to pick up hookers

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    9 months ago

    Love it when my and my fellow truckers with no eyes and malformed hands sit down to drink a few dimension shifting and invisible cups of coffee in front of the Creat Taers Glipse Trwckers building.

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Time was you could find wild herds of Kurt Russells like this all over the country. No longer.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Isn't this exactly how it is? And also how it was? I don't get it, it's a truck stop, every truck stop I've ever seen all over the world is like this except the truckers are more antisocial and just wanna get their work done rather than talk to each other.

    I don't get it.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Every time I see something like this I instantly look for demographic changes. So I found this study (it's a DC thinktank, but one of the more normal ones) .

      Important part: Seems like white men comprised 84% of truckers in 1979, and were reduced down to 55% by 2018. That's what this always is. Well it's probably also worsening job conditions and more general alienation, but a huge factor in nostalgia over certain jobs always seems to carry an unstated distress over how white people are less dominant.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        9 months ago

        OH they're complaining that it's not all white people now?

        lmao I just completely didn't even fucking notice that. Maybe because Europe? Race didn't enter my head whatsoever. All I noticed was that it was all men but I was like "yeah fair enough trucking is mostly men to be fair".

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          Well conservative types would never phrase it like that, but it's almost always what they mean. All American conservative nostalgia is a wistful lamenting of how white people have less cultural and social dominance now.

          It's especially apparent when older conservatives say people weren't as political in their youth, like the 60s and 70s. Yeah, white people weren't as political, but black civil rights organizers sure were.

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      If you come a across a truck stop that looks like this you should worry, because it means you're in the matrix.

  • buh [she/her]
    9 months ago

    2nd from the left looks like he's drinking a bottle of bbq sauce

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    9 months ago

    It's so creepy how they all have the exact same closed eyes, laughing expression.