Hi I'm trans and like, I want to get fit. I just started college so I think this as good as time as any to startup some fitness. I have 3 goals: 1: loose some of the fat I've gained over the summer. I've done pretty well so far on just adjusting diet and have lost some already. 2: gain a more feminine physique. The big things I've seen on this front are some of the guides on (cw: subreddit title uses words that can be upsetting)



. 3 I'd like to just be in overall better physical shape with both muscular strength and aerobic capacity.

Stuff I already do: I bike to some classes, and it should be noted it is very hilly. I probably bike uphill about 35-45 minutes a week. I also walk to most of the rest of my classes. There are a considerable number of stairs and hills in this situation too. If there are alterations or workouts I can do in situations I already am in, that would be suburb.

Mucho gracias

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Cutting is losing weight while working out, bulking is gaining weight while working out.

    You absolutely can cut first, especially if it helps with dysphoria. The most optimal thing is the thing that will let you be most consistent in the long run. This stuff takes time. It's a habit not a makeover.