Hi I'm trans and like, I want to get fit. I just started college so I think this as good as time as any to startup some fitness. I have 3 goals: 1: loose some of the fat I've gained over the summer. I've done pretty well so far on just adjusting diet and have lost some already. 2: gain a more feminine physique. The big things I've seen on this front are some of the guides on (cw: subreddit title uses words that can be upsetting)



. 3 I'd like to just be in overall better physical shape with both muscular strength and aerobic capacity.

Stuff I already do: I bike to some classes, and it should be noted it is very hilly. I probably bike uphill about 35-45 minutes a week. I also walk to most of the rest of my classes. There are a considerable number of stairs and hills in this situation too. If there are alterations or workouts I can do in situations I already am in, that would be suburb.

Mucho gracias

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Get the strong Curves book, get to a gym, and do the program! It's designed to build a feminine physique with a barbell.

    If you can't get to a gym, you can buy 300 lbs of playsand at the hardware store, throw it in a duffle, and use that as your barbell.

    You can also replace squats with a bodyweight squat progression leading up to deep step ups

    diet stuff

    A general (but not hard) rule is to either gain muscle or lose weight. You do the first by eating 300 to 500 calories more than you burn in a day while running strong curves, and you do the second by eating 300 to 500 calories less than you burn in a day while running strong curves.

    It's important to work out while cutting because it tells your body not to get rid of your butt muscles, you're using those.

    If you're fat, I'd cut first, and then once you're skinny, bulk.

    If you're not fat, I'd bulk first and then cut until your lean.

    this isn't about health, it's about physique! Any weight can be healthy as long as you're eating clean and exercising.

    For general cardio, what you're doing is great! You can increase it by biking more often, or wearing weight in your backpack when you walk. Walking with 40 lbs is honestly a better workout than running, and easier too.

    I'm also a big fan of jumprope personally, since it recruits fast twitch and slow twitch fibres and can be done anywhere and is cheap.

    The most important thing with cardio is that: you like it, and will do it consistently. Find whatever fits the bill.

    You can also turn your weighted workouts into cardio by doing them as a circuit, only resting once you've done each exercise once. I do my main work with rest, and then my accessories as a circuit.

    • stuffdobehappening [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Thanks for the advice! I had looked at doing some rucking before, but I never put the general walking around and rucking together! I'll check out that book. For dysphoria's sake, I would prefer to loose the fat first, then start bulking and then cut. I'm not completely sure if I'm understanding all those terms correctly, but would there be any issues or things I should do if I was going to go about this endevour that way?

      • Nagarjuna [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Cutting is losing weight while working out, bulking is gaining weight while working out.

        You absolutely can cut first, especially if it helps with dysphoria. The most optimal thing is the thing that will let you be most consistent in the long run. This stuff takes time. It's a habit not a makeover.

  • DasKarlBarx [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    In addition @Nagarjuna's great info, kettlebells are great. They can be expensive so its usually easier to just go to a gym to use.

    We have a free copy of enter the kettlebell in the sidebar that has great info on form and lifts but get ups and swings would both help out a lot with what you're looking for.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, kettlebell swings are a great form of cardio that will also help a little with the but and thigh gains. Something great to add on top of a physique program