Can anyone who is more well read tell me if there is any philosophy work that revises the theory of dialectical materialism in light of modern scientific advances? I just finished Elementary Principles of Philosophy (FLP edition) which was extremely enlightening but some of the scientific examples are dated and it got me thinking. Physics (and all sciences for that matter) has advanced quite a bit in the past fifty years and I'd love to read a principled critique/investigation/discussion on how our current understanding of nature modifies our understanding of materialism. Also if there are any critiques of idealism in the understanding of modern science

  • HamManBad [he/him]
    3 years ago

    DiaMet is a method of understanding the material world as a whole, historical materialism is DiaMet applied to human society, and the process of class struggle emerges from a historical materialist analysis of society. But DiaMet is theorized to apply to all material processes, which is why people like Engles looked for patterns of development within evolution and astrophysics to develop basic principles for understanding human history