That's all.
Translation: I'm a big poopoo baby that cries when when the adults tell me to stop shitting everywhere :pigpoop:
I'm the disgusting one "shitting everywhere" yet this community seems to find images of pig shit appetizing.
Yes you are the disgusting one because nothing, not even pig poop balls, will ever top your fucking corpse rotting on a hospital bed after coughing your lungs out from covid, which you could have avoided by taking the vaccine instead of horse medicine.
Want me to say something cringe so you can have a go? I'll do that for you comrade.
Please take lots and lots of Ivermectin. I want you to take Ivermectin, and tell all your friends and family to take it, especially if they have politics similar to yours. I don't care if you take the human versions, the livestock version, the injection, the oral paste, the tablet, or any other kind. I don't care if you take it when you have COVID or if you're at risk of COVID, I want you to take it, and take lots and lots of it in all circumstances. It will be cool and good to see you take Ivermectin, and will have owned a buch of libs in the process. There will be no negative side effects whatsoever.
I've actually discovered that you can cure any disease by walking around Jersey City screaming anti-italian slurs at the top of your lungs, you should try it out!
I think you vastly overestimate how many Italians there are in JC nowadays.
Y'know hydroxychloroquine I can understand. It's made for humans and it treats malaria, close enough right?
Why does it matter if it was initially intended for animals or not? That really is your fools' only rebuttal
Real world evidence suggests otherwise. Of course anytime I post that evidence it gets removed, wonder why. Wouldn't be surprised if the Gates pro-vaccine team moderates here.
What evidence would that be? The fact that people that take it are further clogging up waiting rooms with overdoses? As if the anti vax crowd wasn't already clogging up waiting rooms.
This isn't something like pig insulin which is close enough to the human version that diabetics can use. It's horse de-worming paste. If you put two and two together, you'd realize you're using the wrong medication. Really curious why you guys aren't looking to get remdesivir or monoclonal antibody treatment?
It’s horse de-worming paste
LOL NPC. It's been used successfully on BILLIONS of humans and saved lives, genius.
Can I have a source for this that's not
Yeah I was waiting for as their source lmao
Idk dude I've given ivermectin to pets and various animals but apparently if you're a human (edit: and take a dose heroic enough to destroy the virus) it'll fuck you up, you ever consider whether you're just wrong about this one?
It will cure some of your butt worms, but against covid it is useless unless you take a dose that is also fatal to humans. It's pseudoscience. Just another grift.
It's odd to me that you can buy pretty much whatever illegal narcotics you want off the internet but not something like remdesivir or antibody cocktails.
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We should be able to do the opposite of banning and prevent chuds from leaving this website. We could have POWs
Naw, they're enemy combatants, you don't put those guys in your normal jail.