btbt [he/him]

  • 116 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • btbt [he/him]toagitpropMeanwhile on Rednote
    3 days ago

    He could of course perform this “experiment” himself like all the grown ups do, but he’s such a smart boy that he knows what the results will be ahead of time

  • btbt [he/him]toSlop.How tankies struggle with abstract reasoning
    3 days ago

    It’s also worth noting that their example which uses people with ASPD is more than a bit weird. No one is saying that they can’t imagine a person with ASPD being a psychopath, it’s just incredibly shitty and discriminatory to assume a person with ASPD is a psychopath based on nothing but the condition they’ve been diagnosed with. It kinda makes me wonder whether the author got called out for doing this and then decided that the opinions of the people checking them on their ableism didn’t matter because they must have all simply had Small Brain Syndrome

  • btbt [he/him]toSlop.How tankies struggle with abstract reasoning
    3 days ago

    The hallmark of the true intellectual is to come to the conclusion that a politician’s beliefs and platform are the opposite of what she publicly says they are because she’s a part of the blue team (the good guys) and is fighting against the red team (the bad guys), which automatically means her political positions must be good

    It’s also very funny that this person made a completely valid argument when they said that it’s incorrect to assume that cartoons can’t be made for and marketed towards adults, only to defend their argument using a cartoon which appeals primarily to pseudo-edgelord twelve year olds and Videogame IP Advertisement: The Animated Series. Being a formal operational, I am capable of making inferences of this person’s motivations based on something more abstract than the words they wrote, meaning it is clear to myself and many others who have already posted in this thread that the author of this screed was motivated at least in part by being mocked for repeatedly insisting that the children’s media they’re a fan of is secretly high art

  • btbt [he/him]toEl ChismeDrake digging that hole
    3 days ago

    The working theory a lot of people have is that this is basically his last ditch effort at keeping Kendrick from performing Not Like Us during the Super Bowl because the threat of legal consequences might scare the NFL out of letting him do it, since everything else he's tried to do in attempting to curb the song's effectiveness and reach has already failed miserably

    I am glad he's doing it though, as a long time Drake hater the past year has been a blessing and I don't want it to end, I could keep watching him find new ways to publicly humiliate himself until the end of time without getting tired of it

  • Shaun’s video on the dumbass Stellar Blade drama from Twitter made me realize that a bunch of people have brainworms that stem from the fact that they feel a desperate need to have the entire universe revolve around them.

    The horny men that make these types of posts complaining about the lack of video game women to jack off to are angry because they don’t want to acknowledge that horny losers aren’t the only demographic that games are marketed towards, because, at the end of the day, their problems come down to the fact that they are disturbed by the mere idea that they and people like them are not the only types of people who exist. The fact that, in the micro, their beloved video games and, in the macro, mainstream culture as a whole do not fit their preferences with scientific precision is a constant reminder of that fact and the reason they always act like the spoiled children they want society to treat them as.

    Maybe if we locked these people in a capsule by themselves and shot them into space, they would be happy because they would finally be provided a reality where, in a sense, they are the only living beings, where they could finally be as lonely as they’ve always wanted to be.

  • Even if the people with Palestinian flags in their bios and handles aren’t well educated on the history of the conflict, what separates them from the Azov libs is that they’re able to look past the official state sponsored narrative of the US. They have the morals and conviction to know where to stand on the IOF genocide despite our media doing everything it can to prop up the American-controlled puppet state in the Levant.

    Ukraine is much easier for libs to support because they have massive Western backing and thus get all the positive propaganda they could ever need in the States. It’s hard to take Ukraine flag people as seriously as Palestine supporters because the former have made an identity out of pretending to be transgressive, independent thinkers by supporting exactly what the capitalist establishment has told them to, it’s just so fucking grating