
  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    the earth is definitely trying to get rid of us lol

    I know this is anti-Marxist but I got into idealism as a framework for metaphysics and to cope with impending climate collapse I like to tell myself that this Earth is essentially kind of like a videogame for whatever weird spiritual force underlies material reality and humanity was sort of flawed from the start and this particular instance of material experience is just slated to end to clear the way for something new

    there's literally zero evidence that we're not just meat robots

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      3 years ago

      This is my shit.

      We might ultimately be dreams, but may your dream be ever resonant and lucid.

      • LoudMuffin [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Idealism is pretty cool. It would not entirely surprise me if it turned out to be true, supposedly (SUPPOSEDLY) at the current boundaries of physics shit gets weird enough that it's shaking a lot of the physicalist view of reality. Ever since I started reading about it I started having crazy ass dreams and I feel like weirdly disconnected from things sometimes, though that might be related to my mental problems more than anything. I had a really bad spat of death anxiety a while ago and at one point I was sitting in my living room and I got so freaked out I suddenly kinda felt everything zoom out and I felt this weird sensation of being an alien observer to this hyperdream (probably what really bad dissociation feels like) and it was so weird

        At the end of the day I tend to think that there is no God and this is all meaningless but baseline reality is already so fucking weird I really feel like there's got to be something more to it than just bits of matter

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          3 years ago

          There are a couple paradoxes of our existence as we know it that remain no matter how well we model the universe. And in some cases, as our models get better, we run into more things that we're at a loss to explain.

          I think we'd be a lot better off if we got a lot more comfortable saying "I Don't Know" to things, and leaving room in our worldview for the unknown, instead of insisting that we can make up a story that explains everything. Having everything explained can be quite burdensome.

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          3 years ago

          You might like this too.
