y'know considering all the antivaxx and lolbertarian sentiment

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This does not end with that dirty unvaccinated minority bending the knee and saying you were right.

    They'll never say "you were right," but the vast majority of them are going to quietly get vaccinated and then bitch about it afterwards. Most people don't want to (and can't afford to) lose their job over culture war shit like this. That's a real, material consequence that's going to cut through a lot of pissing and moaning.

    I'd say there's even an outside shot that this drives anti-vax loons back into the crank fringes. You can get mass support for that shit when not having the vaccine is a real option for rank-and-file Republicans, but when all but the zealots have gotten vaccinated? It'll be harder to rile up the masses over a moot issue, and they'll want to internally justify getting vaccinated, too.