Depends on who's the writer. Theoretically they could have that actor clown general secretary write up an article saying if you don't vote for Biden in 2024 you're a fascist, and CPUSA could theoretically say the article is his own opinion and not the official line of the party
But that unto itself, the very face of their party writing that shit speaks volumes to the makeup of their party leadership from their local clubs all the way to the the central committee and the standing secretaries - if they even have those positions
Depends on who's the writer. Theoretically they could have that actor clown general secretary write up an article saying if you don't vote for Biden in 2024 you're a fascist, and CPUSA could theoretically say the article is his own opinion and not the official line of the party
But that unto itself, the very face of their party writing that shit speaks volumes to the makeup of their party leadership from their local clubs all the way to the the central committee and the standing secretaries - if they even have those positions