there is no labor shortage WTF, nobody is fucking hiring at all

I've been trying to escape my current neoliberal shithole job for over a month now and no one is calling back and I've noticed tons of jobs have extra requirements (1 year experience minimium)

this is all for like McJobs and shit, what the heck

is this what you 2008 boys and girls and whatever went through

  • OldMole [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The whinging about no one wanting to work is, as always, an attempt to get the state to punish the unemployed with more austerity so they can exploit their workforce harder. Any real crisis behind the scenes is just set dressing.

  • buh [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I feel like those "nobody wants to work" signs are really saying "we have trouble retaining employees at our business that is understaffed even more than before covid"

    • buh [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Apparently line cooks were one of the occupations most badly affected by covid, it's possible that another factor is that enough of them simply fucking died or are still dealing with long covid to cause worker shortages

  • Wildgrapes [she/her]
    3 years ago

    My partner has been job hunting for a month or two now. Truly insane how nobody bothers to call back. Every job posting is like "entry level" but have requirements like:

    • 10yr experience doing [extremely specific thing] MINIMUM.
    • managed a team of atleast 50 people
    • elected governor of atleast 3 states
    • transcended to a higher plane and spoke with the ultimate crab being that resides there
    • flexible working hours
  • ElGosso [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I was out of work for two years straight in the recession and went a little unhinged