character is edelgard from fire emblem three houses. her crime is that she started a war to abolish the nobility and get rid of the divine right of kings and she's going to fight the pope because the church upholds feudalism with its private armies. and she's gay. so obviously all sorts of dipshits hate her with a burning passion

she is perhaps not quite anime stalin or mao, but she's someone who goes "the status quo sucks shit, the only way to change it is through violence" in a big budget game AND it's in a way that isn't horribly reactionary, which is very refreshing. and she's certainly not a fascist

it helps that her biggest competition is saying shit like "Radical new freedoms are not what Faerghus needs right now"

  • TheSpectreOfGay [he/him, she/her]
    10 months ago

    i think three houses' plot would have been helped a lot by not linking the crests with being from noble houses. hate the trope of nobility having special magic powers and literally being "above" the commoners in a way other than just class. and since the game often frames her motives as "the crests are to blame" it kinda muddies things. but it's really wild that people think she's a fascist more than they think the obvious fascist monarchist is a fascist. people have such a high tolerance for monarchy, i guess.

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      10 months ago

      i do agree that that's a shitty trope. i think that three houses is about the best you can do with it, but i still think they could have done better by divesting the whole thing from class. i like that unlike some examples of that crests aren't actually some massive divide between noble and commoner, and in gameplay numbers they're helpful but less helpful than some skills are. it's better than some of fire emblem's previous implementations of the trope

      and yeah, the fact that edelgard is seen as the fascist is so wild when there are people in the game who have explicitly supported genocide and she is not one of them. or like, anything dimitri does