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In this whole article there are only two paragraphs that are not useless word salad:

The government now wants to set a cap on how much money each player can spend within a title, according to the draft.

The regulations also asked that game publishers operating abroad respect Chinese laws and culture and refrain from endangering national security, without elaborating. Tencent is the world’s largest gaming publisher, with investments in studios from Epic Games Inc. in the US to Supercell in Europe. The agency will take feedback on the proposed rules for a month, without saying when they take effect.

Bonus reddit gamer cope:

I can get behind prohibiting these sorts of mechanics. Don't think they really add anything of substance. Though I would prefer that companies and the industry self-regulate rather than having the government step in, but that's unlikely to happen.

Look at this idiot that believes in corporations regulating themselves. I bet he thinks children who believe in Santa (a very real phenomenon whom I once saw in a mall) are stupid.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I only have a little familiarity with their games, but if you're using real money to buy one of the pricier characters, you have to buy 180 pulls to do that right? And a pull costs about 2 dollars? So it's like 350 dollars for one character?

    Doing some quick math with median income and tax rates from Google this is about half of a typical person's weekly salary.

    It's not the cost to buy the game, but one character in it.

    I think this law is probably directly targeted at companies like mihoyo.

    • loathesome
      9 months ago

      you’re using real money to buy one of the pricier characters, you have to buy 180 pulls to do that right? And a pull costs about 2 dollars? So it’s like 350 dollars for one character?

      What the fuck

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        9 months ago

        More if you get bad luck. Gacha is predatory and only exists because it exploits people with gambling addictions.