• FourteenEyes [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Pretty fucking demonic to charge a man who tried to poison himself to death with "chemical weapons possession"

    What the actual fuck is wrong with anglos

  • @Yurt_Owl
    6 months ago

    I hate this country i hate this country i hate this country

  • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    When I was a lot worse than I am now I had to deal with how dehumanizing these places were. If your parents hadn't gotten you diagnosed with whatever is wrong with you and you can't afford to see a doctor because you have undiagnosed mental health issues that make it so you can't hardly hold a job no one cares. I have had intrusive thoughts about doing something similar, I have to wonder how many people killed themselves while holding the rejection letter or just waiting for a response from the disability agency. And having dealt with those people I got the impression that they'd rather you just did instead of wasting their time.

    • @Yurt_Owl
      6 months ago

      The cruelty is intentional, it costs more to administer the cruelty in this fashion than it would to just give the people the money they need.

      DWP has a strong track record of basically killing its applicants and hires some of the most demonic people to exact their cruelty. I remember an article a long while back where the DWP listed someone in a coma as fit for work.