The big news sites have finally started to do some serious reports on the war in Tigray, but there’s a funny tilt to their coverage: they’re not very interested in the war aspect of the war, if you know what I mean. There are a few honorable exceptions, but looking back at mainstream coverage of this war, it’s odd how little there is about actual combat.

This happens a lot with African war stories, as if the MSM can only think of African war as atrocities, not as strategy and tactics. I’m not minimizing the atrocities, but as I’ve said a lotta times, atrocities are part of war-fighting everywhere, just as publicizing and hiding them is part of overall strategy.

Most people by now understand that there’s been terrible suffering in Tigray. That too is true of every war. And though it’s a good idea to draw attention to civilian suffering, you have to remember that the battlefield still decides the outcome.

In Syria, the MSM won the media war, no contest. Don’t get me started on that, as the feller said. But who’da thunk, the SAA/Hezbollah/Russian side went and won on the battlefield, nullifying the efforts of thousands of hard-working propagandists.

So the actual, y’know, battle aspect of war is still worth talking about. In fact, it makes much more sense to fold atrocities and propaganda into the category of war-fighting than to take them in isolation, as if they were just tragic events unconnected with real strategy.

This is especially true in the Ethiopian wars of the last four decades, which have never gotten the respect they deserve for the sheer ferocity and brilliance with which they were fought.

That’s true for this latest episode of the Ethiopian long war, the one that flared when the Ethiopian and Eritrean armies tried to sandwich Tigray between them in November 2020.

This war was a typical war in the Horn, with uniformed armies deploying infantry, artillery, armor, and aircraft (both piloted and drones.) Yet it’s hard to find stories about what happened on the battlefields. In that way, you have to give the MSM a partial pass, I guess, because it hasn’t been easy to get news about the fighting.

When the war started, I thought there would be more video of the battles, since everyone has a camera phone and a Twitter account. But the Ethiopian gov’t came up with a simple plan to stop anyone filming its wet work in Tigray, cutting off all internet access from Tigray and locking down the borders. I wrote about how well this worked in RWN Newsletter #117.

The short version is, it worked. Although you can’t help but wonder if it would’ve worked quite as well if there’d been a lot of interest from the people who run the big news organizations. Bans like this work a lot better when the rich consumers aren’t very hungry for that particular news anyway.

All those news sites, and all us news-consumers, got one of the biggest surprises of this century when the Tigrayan Defense Force (TDF), the rebranded military force of the TDLF (Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front), marched into the provincial capital Mekelle, showing off thousands of EDF prisoners, on June 28, 2021.

How did that happen? In my last newsletter (RWN Newsletter #118) I went back to the Battle of Adwa, another shock victory that happened in Tigray in 1896. In that battle, an Ethiopian force cut an Italian army to pieces. That wasn’t supposed to be possible either. Adwa is like one of those Belgian towns during the 16th-21st centuries; it just keeps coming up in military news, as it did in early 2021.

And now for a brief digression on war poetry: Those Belgian towns were so annoying that Matthew Prior, one of the war poets of 17th-c. Britain, mocked them in a poem on the British victory at Blenheim:

What work had we with Wageninghen, Arnheim,

Places that could not be reduced to rhyme?

And though the poet made his last efforts,

Wurts — who could mention in heroic — Wurts?

Prior’s poem is an apostrophe to his counterpart, Boileau. As you can see in the quoted lines, Prior is very collegial, basically having a post-game beer with Boileau, gloating but at the same time sharing the misery they both went through trying to find a way to incorporate un-heroic place names like “Wurts” into their bread and butter, which was providing patriotic verse as required.

There are probably poets writing in Tigrinya and Amhara trying to work Tigrayan place names into their war poems. And when the current iteration of this very long war stops for a while, they may well josh each other over a bottle of Habesha about the problem of working “Jijiqe” or “Adigrat” into their rhyme-schemes. The fact that there were massacres in those places may not matter as much as first-world humanists might think. For one thing, there were massacres in Prior’s and Boileau’s wars too, and it didn’t stop the literary factories from turning out the verses.

Here endeth the digression. So, two weeks into the war, the EDF announced it had captured two towns, Axum and Adwa, both Tigrayan and carrying between them a thousand years of Ethiopian/Tigrayan history.

And in between the 2021 shock victory and the one in 1896, there was another shock victory in the Highlands. In the 1980s, the Eritrean/Tigrayan insurgents destroyed an Ethiopian Army, a humongous and heroic war I covered in three earlier newsletters (RWN Newsletters #94, #95, #96). That war was won by a coalition of many militias, but only two of them really had much combat power — and both were dominated by ethnic Tigrayans. One was the TDLF. And the other the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF).

The EPLF was stressed its Eritrean loyalty but that was not an ethnic loyalty. There’s no such thing as an Eritrean ethnic group. Ethnic/national identity is never fixed, so now that Eritrea is a very tight, isolated nation-state, it may be that in a generation or two, a big chunk of the population will call itself simply Eritrean. Maybe, maybe not. At any rate it hasn’t happened yet.

The Eritrean elite was and still is ethnic Tigrayans, especially since the EPLF, led by highland-Christian Tigrayans, defeated the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), a Saudi-backed rival movement led by lowland, coastal non-Tigrayan Eritrean Muslims.

Tigrayan domination of Eritrea goes right to the very top. The top, in Eritrea, consists of one very scary guy, Isias Afwerki. He doesn’t want it advertised, but he’s from an aristocratic Tigrayan background.

All of which provides a simple lesson: Tigrayans are the bulk of combat power in the Highlands of the Horn. You’d think that would lead to the conclusion that you shouldn’t mess with Tigray unless you’re ready to get in a long, nasty war, even when the conventional military wisdom is that the Tigrayans don’t have a chance.

They weren’t supposed to have a chance against the Europeans in 1896 or the Ethiopian Derg in the 1980s, just like they weren’t supposed to have a chance against the ENDF in November 2020, when Ethiopian armor started pushing into southern Tigray. If you’re running a war-nerd bookmaking business, put a sign on the window: “No bets on wars in Tigray.”

One reason we all underestimated Tigray is that no one outside TPLF circles seems to have known, or at least admitted to themselves, how much of the combat power of both Eritrean and Ethiopian forces came from ethnic Tigrayans. Both these countries are multiethnic coalitions, especially Ethiopia.

The current Ethiopian borders are the product of 19th-c. conquests, pushing from the Highlands south and east, absorbing Somali, Afar, Oromo, Sidamo, and dozens of other peoples who were not part of the “Habesha,” which is what the Highland Orthodox peoples, Tigrayan and Amhara, called themselves. (You can read about this in more detail in the earlier newsletters on this war.)

The other groups were not in the running to control Ethiopia. The contest was always between the two Habesha peoples, the Tigrayans and the Amhara. And the Amhara seemed like the stronger of the two.

There were a lot more of them, for starters. Tigrayans are only about 6% of the population, Amhara about 26%. And the central power has moved south, from Tigray to Showa, the area around Addis Ababa.

The Tigrayans actually played down their power, until 2020 when they were forced to show their hand. As the TPLF realized it would win the long war against the Derg, its leader Meles Zenawi (see earlier newsletters) joined a multiethnic coalition force, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

And it was the EPRDF, claiming to represent all anti-Derg Ethiopians, who claimed the triumph in 1991. Looking back, Zenawi (who was a very smart guy, if not an especially nice one) realized that his party, the TPLF, was so much better organized than the other members of the EPRDF that he and his fellow Tigrayans could control all of Ethiopia after deposing the Derg. So the decision to let the very proudly multiethnic EPRDF claim what was largely a TPLF victory was a strange sort of military/political tokenism.

Henri IV went through the motions of converting to Catholicism in return for the throne with the line “Paris is worth a mass or two,” and Zenawi seems to have decided “Addis and the whole GDP is worth letting those weaker militias get the credit.”

Zenawi’s pragmatic use of multi-ethnic front groups blinded a lot of people, inside and outside Ethiopia, to the most important fact of all: The real military strength of the EPRDF was the Tigrayan forces.

The Eritrean forces (EDF) had also shown their strength against the Derg, but what the “Eritrean” label made people forget is that that army was also dominated by ethnic Tigrayans. Tigrinya-speakers are the majority in Eritrea, not only the dominant but the biggest ethnic group.


  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The best guess for how the TDF retook Tigray so quickly is the Afabet scenario repeated on smaller scale, dozens or hundreds of times. And unfortunately, the likeliest explanation for at least some of the massacres of Tigrayan civilians is that they were slaughtered in retaliation after TDF guerrillas destroyed the occupiers’ convoys or outposts. Not all the massacres would have happened this way, because it’s pretty clear that the Addis Ababa government wanted a mass purge of Tigrayans everywhere in Ethiopia, even in places like Addis Ababa, where there are still plenty of journalists watching. What happened in at least some parts of Tigray, where no journalists were allowed, looks pretty much like straight-up genocide.

    It was a genocide that failed, however. Once again, the battlefield has trumped the massacre/PR campaign, and the TDF’s victory has forced the Ethiopian elite to worry more about holding on to cities like Gondar, now threatened by south-moving TDF forces, than massacring Tigrayan civilians.

    But where the Eritrean forces hold control, things are very different, very grim. Unlike the ENDF, the EDF seems to have held together. It’s still occupying part of northern Tigray, and seems to be replacing ENDF/Fano in the flat land of western Tigray, especially the strategic corner around Humera:

    “An internal European Union document dated August 20 said Eritrean troops were ‘present in western Tigray, where they have taken up defensive positions with tanks and artillery around Adi Goshu and Humera, and possibly also along the border with Sudan.'”

    This seems like another sign that while Tigray and Ethiopia have lost a great deal, Afwerki’s Eritrean elite has won, at low cost.

    In fact, it looks like the streetwise old fighter Afwerki lured Abiy, a naïve and vain orator, into a pact (the one that won him the Nobel Prize) that included a secret clause to join in crushing Tigray. And maybe Afwerki knew, when he talked Abiy into that pact, that the ENDF would not succeed. After all, Afwerki knows Tigray and saw the combat power of the Tigrayan forces up close.

    Looking cold-bloodedly from Afwerki’s stronghold in the north, you couldn’t help seeing that it would be to your benefit to get Tigray and Amhara to fight it out. Both would be weakened, and all Eritrea would lose would be a few thousand soldiers. To leaders like Afwerki, soldiers are a crop, a renewable resource. Kept at home without jobs (and there are very few jobs in Eritrea these days) those young people are dangerous; sent to the front, they will be nicely distracted, and better yet, many of them will not come home at all.

    So if there’s one thing that begins to show through the murk here, it’s that Afwerki has won. The TDF has won on the battlefield, but the war was fought on its terrain, so Tigray will be in poverty and hunger for a long, long time. And Abiy’s Ethiopian elite has just plain lost, lost catastrophically, and will be lucky to hold the rest of the country together for even a decade.

    Maybe he won’t even get the chance. If you look at the most recent control maps, you see the TDF advancing like a hungry amoeba to the south, along the few roads linking Tigray to the Amhara region. It’s not likely the TDF would be foolish enough to try to claim leadership of all Ethiopia, but they could well force Abiy out and install a friendlier Amhara puppet leader.

    The Eritrean problem is a much tougher one for the TDF. The control map doesn’t show much TDF advance northward, into Eritrean territory. As of early September 2021, it looks like the TDF hasn’t even been able to dislodge the Eritrean forces from the Tigrayan territory they’ve taken around Aksum.

    This could be simple tactical sense, choosing to attack the weaker force rather than the stronger, or a strategic decision by the TDF leadership that the threat to Tigray is from Abiy’s circle, from the south, with Afwerki just a vulture gobbling up the casualties of the Tigrayan/Amhara fight.

    The next big question is what will happen if the TDF manages to take, or at least besiege, Gondar? You can see on the map that there are two TDF advances threatening the city: One moving west toward Lake Tana from Weldiya (presumably along the B22 road, which seems to be the only one available), and another pushing south along the B30 road from Debark. Even if these two prongs don’t roll through Gondar, they could isolate the city. That would be a big shock to the elite in Addis Ababa.

    How will they react? It’s too soon to know. They might negotiate, or they might ramp up the pogroms against Tigrayans. Or they might do both at once.

    One thing that is clear is that the Ethiopian state doesn’t seem to have any military forces in reserve that are capable of holding back the TDF advance, much less re-taking Tigray itself.

    And the night is young, unfortunately. There are a lot of players who haven’t even joined the game yet. Sudan, for starters; what’s the plan in Khartoum? How much chaos do they want in Ethiopia?

    It’s not easy to dial up the precise level of chaos you think you want in a neighboring state, but God knows that doesn’t stop half-bright local Machiavellis from trying, over and over. Ask Erdogan about that.

    Then there’s Egypt, which has a much more urgent reason to take up Ethiopia-destabilizing as a hobby: the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which would reduce the White Nile’s flow downstream. Rumors about Egyptian interference have been going around Ethiopian Twitter for a while, and Trump himself lobbed a tactful boulder into the pond:

    Picture of a tweet about Trump saying Egypt should "blow up the dam"

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Then there’s the UAE, which has already made some kind of sleazy deal with Afwerki, and their frenemies in Riyadh...oh, the list is long, very long.

      And one player that was fairly quiet in the early months of this war is now jumping in hard. Remember, we said on RWN way back when the war started that the Oromo, the biggest ethnic group in Ethiopia, have been getting tired of seeing Highland groups, whether Tigrayan or Amhara, act like they owned the country, when the Oromo, at least a quarter of the total population, have so little power.

      Oromia is south of the Amhara highlands, so the Amhara, currently the most powerful group, could end up sandwiched between the Tigrayans to their north and the Oromo to the south, just as Tigray seemed to be sandwiched between Eritrea and Amhara.

      That would be a nightmare scenario for Abiy and his handlers, and it seems to be heading that way. The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) announced an alliance with the TDF in August 2021.

      The OLA doesn’t represent all Oromo, of course. In a very standard development, Oromo independence activists have split into two groups along the usual lines: take-it-slow moderates of the OLF, and the fight-back-right-now militants of the OLA.

      At the moment, the OLA doesn’t have much of a record for armed insurgency. A lot of Ethiopian Twitter-ers make a show of contempt for the combat power of the OLA, a very different attitude than how they talk about the TDF. Basically it’s “OLA, buncha wimps” vs “TDF, horrible monsters.”

      But like I said, the night is still young, horribly young. Weak insurgent movements can grow strong very quickly when their occupier is distracted elsewhere. And the ENDF is distracted, to put it mildly, in Tigray.

      The Irish used to have a slogan about the situation the OLA is trying to exploit: “England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity.” I’d bet the rent there’s some Oromo variant of that take going around at the moment, with “Amharas” replacing “England.”

      And then there’s the Afar Province to the east of Tigray. Afar and Tigrayan have gotten along pretty well for the most part, but there’s clearly been an effort from Addis to get’em fighting each other. And that would be grim, because the Afar are as fierce as the Tigrayans. But to date the Afar (notice how I avoided saying “So far the Afar”? It’s the little touches, you know?) haven’t let themselves be drawn into fighting the Amharas’ battles for them. (Another Irish analogue: “Let English men fight English wars”; I bet there’s a version of that going around Afar coffeehouses.)

      If there were a united Somali state, we’d have to be talking about Somali strategies too. But Somalia is so messed up that AFAIK its only contribution so far is sending jobless mercenaries to fight, willingly or otherwise, with the Eritrean forces.

      So there are many turns left to this bloody wheel. The TDF victory has been heroic. The price Tigrayans have paid for it is horrific, and the destruction they’ve suffered will take decades to repair.

      The tectonic plates are still moving in the Horn, and this round of fighting, for all its heroism and overlooked military significance, won’t settle anything. This round of war may peter out soon, though I doubt it. But the war over domination of Ethiopia, or “what is now Ethiopia,” will run hot for decades.

      —War Nerd

      Ethiopia's Liveuamap if you want to see the situation

        • LeninsRage [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Ethiopia and Eritrea teamed up to crush the Tigrayan Weird Maoists for complicated historical reasons.

          A lot of Tigrayans in the Ethiopian military defected to the Weird Maoists like immediately, so the Ethiopians unleashed some Amhara ethnic irregular militias on the region as a desperation tactic. The Tigrayan Weird Maoists did Maoist Protracted People's War.

          The Ethiopians got completely owned after about nine months of waiting. It took Western media by surprise. But the Tigrayans suffered a lot of horrific atrocities of which we probably won't learn the full extent for years to come. The Tigrayans are still on the offensive in northern Ethiopia. But overall the real winner was most likely the elites who rule Eritrea.

          • comi [he/him]
            3 years ago

            But like, are tplf maoists, or are they government in exile fighting for power? I’m not sure how tplf previous reign can be classified plus idk, wtf happened in chena, there is such conflicting info

            • LeninsRage [he/him]
              3 years ago

              TPLF are a particularly Weird tendency of Maoists. I believe in a previous episode RWN characterized them as "Real communism can't be realized until we fragment every existing nation into micro-ethno-states". As the newsletter mentions briefly they dominated the old communist government that reigned from 1987-1991 and collapsed shortly before the death of the USSR. After that they essentially became public enemy number one to both new regimes in Ethiopia and Eritrea and were confined to the northernmost Tigray region of Ethiopia.

              • Vncredleader
                3 years ago

                Fuck! Soviet Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somaliland are so confusing and sad. Just a mess in no small part caused by the Derg not so much being born out of revolution as much as placed in power. Whole thing feels inauthentic, a far cry from communist Yemen or Guinea-Bissau

              • comi [he/him]
                3 years ago

                But they were in government in between 1991 2018?

                • LeninsRage [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  No they were a semi-autonomous paramilitary dominating their home region

            • blobjim [he/him]
              3 years ago

              At least according to the Grayzone, they could be backed by western countries that want to destroy the Ethiopian govt. (Eritrea too maybe?).

              • comi [he/him]
                3 years ago

                Yeah, but grayzone suffers from the antiamericanism pill sometimes, so I try to treat their perspective carefully. On the other hand in rwn tplf seems like shining puppies, which I also have severe doubts, but it’s hard to deny that guerilla insurgency requires local support