Probably won’t lead to anything other than no reconciliation/infra bills passing, but the idea of the economy collapsing and Joe Biden getting ragingly angry at questions on it in a press conference is entertaining

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I've been too consumed with climate doomerism to follow Amer*can politics lately, what's McConnell actually trying to achieve here? Like, is he using this leverage to pass anything of his own? Is he trying to stop the infrastructure bill? Is he trying to tank the economy to make the dems look bad? I'm gonna go with my personal head-canon that he's intentionally trying to fuck up the world economic system and remove the American dollar as global currency so he can try and shill his new shitcoin as the next petrodollar.

    • mittens [he/him]
      3 years ago

      none of this makes sense to me either, but it seems that this is empty posturing from the GOP as the "fiscally reponsible party" meaning that we can look forward to debt limit being a partisan issue every time there's a democrat incumbent. further, i don't know why dems are trying to negotiate with republicans since they already have a simple majority, enough to raise the debt ceiling, i assume that either the progressive caucus is also holding the infrastructure/conciliation bill hostage and can't reach simple majority, and thus they're trying to recruit GOP legislators to pass it without conceding to any of AOC's and Bernie's demands, or they are just fucking stupid and are also doing empty "bipartisan concensus" posturing, which would mean congress is deadlocked over literally nothing except emtpy gesturing, congress is a fiction, money is fake and reality has already crumbled.