The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) began requiring the reporting of overdoses from Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug commonly used in pets and livestock. While Ivermectin does exist as medicine for humans, online misinformation is touting it as a treatment for COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for the treatment of COVID-19 and health experts are...
I live in NM. It's a poor state with shitty government services and lots of the other things are substandard too. I only very rarely go to ABQ so I can't give you any info on it. You could search r/NewMexico, r/Albuquerque, etc for existing threads about moving to the state. A million people ask about it.
I pay way too much rent and the food costs are also very high. But - long story short - I'll be stuck here until for ten years or so. But if the US goes fascist starting in 2024 - maybe I'll become "unstuck" and flee to Canada. The future of the US looks very dark to me.