They literally sent this gamer to the gulag gamer-gulag

  • CrushKillDestroySwag
    7 months ago

    $5 million

    Rockstar literally wipes its ass with 5 million dollar bills but yeah let's lock this person away for life.

    edit: seems the article didn't mention him stalking women and getting violent with psychiatric staff? Still not "life sentence" material IMO but if he's got a mental illness then yeah I guess they should treat it.

    • kristina [she/her]
      7 months ago

      how the fuck do they even measure that, copies downloaded?

      • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
        7 months ago

        This is a scenario where a physical key is the better option rather than any kind of digital system. Being really skilled is awesome, but being really skilled and dangerous is, well, dangerous...