• Edelgard [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Star Wars was a product.

    Yes. Capitalism commodifies everything, that’s how it works. Art / creative expression mostly starts somewhat separated from that and then is sculpted / productized.

    You’re thinking too narrow. There could have been much more and overt anti-imperialist films being made and Star Wars would have been one thing in hundreds or thousands

    There could have been a lot of things. I don’t agree that I’m thinking too narrow, I’m just not writing an essay on the nature of pop culture lol

    Movies are downstream from politics, not the other way around.

    Yeah, of course? It’s a reflection of the conditions it is made in. Not sure how my comment about the themes in the movie implied otherwise.

    I was specifically making a point about the film responding to Americans coping with a limited form of blowback for their imperialism (the draft).

    Star wars and star trek were both kept alive for a number of decades by their fan bases with limited advertising. The EU was basically Lucas just letting people do whatever with the universe off to the side. Limited and fenced in free use.

    I’m not painting any of this stuff as utopic or somehow consciously socialist ideologically, just talking about them functionally.

    Something to consider when you’re riffing with people: The whole tone of your comment is weirdly condescending, but that might just be my own issues with being mansplained to on other stuff so whatever.