To me, it seems quite violent, distressing, and humiliating as a public trial, even when presented in the first 3 episodes of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution podcast...
As opposed to simple "criticism secessions"...
To me, it seems quite violent, distressing, and humiliating as a public trial, even when presented in the first 3 episodes of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution podcast...
As opposed to simple "criticism secessions"...
I think this video, while not about the struggle sessions specifically, does a very good job going into the problems and failures of the Cultural Revolution, and might be relevant to your question.
Well, I'm asking your personal thoughts, mate... so what did you take away as a lesson from the video anyway?
I think the struggle sessions were bad, unnecessary violence that was largely devoid of political content. Sorry I can't write an effortpost rn
Egh, that can suffice for now... don't need to stress yourself