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  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 years ago

    shit that really hit me hard. when i got locked up i slipped off one of those terrible stainless steel jail bunk beds and landed on my tail bone, after doing the splits when my legs caught the welded table. it felt similiar to what you did. medical care was nonexistant in jail and i was too ashamed when i got out to do anything for months. my injury was different, it was a hairline crack in my L4, but i had escalating pain and felt like i had to pee all the time for months. it took years and years but eventually i did recover. the pain went away very slowly, the sciatia, everything. i did DIY physical therapy by going to a gym and just starting easy with elipticals. i don't know if you could strengthen the muscles safely around your tailbone but it did work in the long run. i know the pain can feel neverending but you can recover from it. nerves heal slowly, but they can heal.
    sorry i can't give you anything else i know your situation was different then mine.