Keep in mind, those who run this place thought it would be a good idea to co-op a vegan wrecker community and then shit themselves when that didn't work out so hot.
Anyhow, looking at pictures of meat = "trauma"
Sexual Violence jokes/memes/overt shithead comments with no CV = people just expressing themselves
And forget about asking for a separate comm for those with different dietary habits. Basically, we blood mouths are to feel shame for eating.
lmao there needs to be a CW for meat? cucked
they enforce that but not for sv 🙄
You said it. Not me.
violence of the s kind
They should be enforcing that too. Tag em when they miss shit, that’s what I do.
Says something about priorities.
Keep in mind, those who run this place thought it would be a good idea to co-op a vegan wrecker community and then shit themselves when that didn't work out so hot.
Anyhow, looking at pictures of meat = "trauma"
Sexual Violence jokes/memes/overt shithead comments with no CV = people just expressing themselves
And forget about asking for a separate comm for those with different dietary habits. Basically, we blood mouths are to feel shame for eating.
... And on this day, zero fucks were given.
They definitely enforce it for sv tho
Yeah I’m also confused by this whole thread.