Aside from videogames, choose your own adventure (cyoa like on r/makeyourchoice) prompts are also pretty rife with shitty things. Aside from the excessive sexualization of women, there are also several instances where authors enforce a gender binary and heteronormative romance.

In a subculture based on customization and choice.

  • Sushi_Desires
    3 years ago

    Machining and manufacturing, welding. I really really want to get into machining, but I don't even know where you would go to find machine shops that aren't populated almost exclusively by chuds. The scientific side (e.g. engineering and/or masters and up level academia and research) is also mostly filled with conservative types in my experience.

    Watching youtube videos where they are turning down some brass stock (or anything really) on a lathe and using dial indicators to get the runout down to less than a thousandth of an inch is like the most satisfying shit I've ever seen--and I've heard actually doing it real life feels even better. Unfortunately serious milling machines, lathes, and CNC mills are expensive as fuck, and even if you could just buy them you really need structured learning from somewhere to make really nice stuff