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  • FidelCastro [he/him]M
    3 years ago

    Hollywood turned on them for about 15 or so years before they got it back. Not good for business.

    The mechanisms at play here just seem really obvious to me. The school to military pipeline is very real and it’s structured in a way so that it owns a person once they sign on the dotted line.

    No one here is saying that the military actions of any troop is excusable. I’m sure you deal with the guilt of whatever the fuck happened out there, own anything wrong you did, and have hopefully processed it with a therapist.

    Living in the imperial core and supporting the businesses that profit from imperialism perpetuates this shit as well. Most of us all have some amount of guilt attached. That’s part of what makes capitalism so fucking monstrous.

    It’s late and I need to crash. Hopefully this was coherent. Solidarity comrade, it was good talking with you.

    • RedArmor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Honestly I struggle everyday. Therapist is few and far between. I try to just bury myself in party work for the Party of Communists and any organizing/education I can do.

      Solidarity comrade.

      • FidelCastro [he/him]M
        3 years ago

        That’s completely understandable and I’m sorry it weighs on you so heavily still. Hopefully we can build a world liberated from imperialism (or at least assist those who are doing the liberating).

        I’ve heard the VA’s mental health services are often pretty impacted, but consider seeing if you can get on a waiting list for recurring therapy. It really does help. I’m in a much better headspace since I started seeing one through a local community clinic.

        It’s good that you’re finding purpose and working to make things better. Many hands make lighter praxis.
