hello I can't read for shit. for now have given up on reading theory or anything actually difficult

I have a few queer friends who talk about having read queer smut and I'm JEALOUS bc it feels like the only thing I could actually read but also don't really wanna ask what they read so I ask Hexbear instead.

what's good queer smut??

bonus points if transfems are involved, bonus points if scary women being mean are involved. comics are cool, just books are cool, idk, fucking anything I must READ

  • buckykat [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    Unjust Depths is not smut, but it is good queer communist fiction with sex scenes in it. The main character and lots of other characters are transfem, the main villain is a scary mean woman, and basically nobody is straight. The plot is submarine USSR/Haiti going to war with submarine Imperial Germany. With mechas.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      6 months ago

      I chose to read "The vast Imbrian Empire" as "The vast I'm Brian Empire"

      And it's just a bunch of gymbros who salute each other by saying "Sup, i'm Brian"

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      6 months ago


      seconding unjust depths one million times it's so good. one of the first things that happens is the main character taking her estrogen and fucking her wife. also very anticolonialist, antiimperialist, anticapitalist, basically if you've ever read or watched or played a scifi story only to go "hang on, the villains of this are clearly on the right side of things!" and couldn't find any good stories where you could root for the communists and expect them to win this is for you. i only clicked on this thread to recommend it lmao

      i am not unjust depths' strongest soldier but i know i've gotten a few people to read it and that brings me a lot of joy

      here are some samples of it i posted here in the past x x