hello I can't read for shit. for now have given up on reading theory or anything actually difficult

I have a few queer friends who talk about having read queer smut and I'm JEALOUS bc it feels like the only thing I could actually read but also don't really wanna ask what they read so I ask Hexbear instead.

what's good queer smut??

bonus points if transfems are involved, bonus points if scary women being mean are involved. comics are cool, just books are cool, idk, fucking anything I must READ

  • PapaEmeritusIII [any]
    6 months ago

    Lots of good stuff (and also lots of meh and bad stuff, but that’s part of the fun) in fanfiction: https://archiveofourown.org/

  • bubbalu [they/them]
    6 months ago

    'Manhunt' by Gretchen Fletcher is about a bunch of trans people surviving a testosterone-linked zombie apocalypse by loving each other and living in solidarity. The main villains are literally TERFs and they get shot with arrows like Avatar. It goes back and forth between pulpy action adventure, intrigue, and erotica.

  • buckykat [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    Unjust Depths is not smut, but it is good queer communist fiction with sex scenes in it. The main character and lots of other characters are transfem, the main villain is a scary mean woman, and basically nobody is straight. The plot is submarine USSR/Haiti going to war with submarine Imperial Germany. With mechas.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I chose to read "The vast Imbrian Empire" as "The vast I'm Brian Empire"

      And it's just a bunch of gymbros who salute each other by saying "Sup, i'm Brian"

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      6 months ago


      seconding unjust depths one million times it's so good. one of the first things that happens is the main character taking her estrogen and fucking her wife. also very anticolonialist, antiimperialist, anticapitalist, basically if you've ever read or watched or played a scifi story only to go "hang on, the villains of this are clearly on the right side of things!" and couldn't find any good stories where you could root for the communists and expect them to win this is for you. i only clicked on this thread to recommend it lmao

      i am not unjust depths' strongest soldier but i know i've gotten a few people to read it and that brings me a lot of joy

      here are some samples of it i posted here in the past x x

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Wholesome: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/411745/to-own-the-libs/

    Smutty: https://readonlymind.com/@LeafTilde/ServiceHumilityandGrace/

  • D61 [any]
    6 months ago

    Webcomics incoming

    Its lighthearted and fun, more gender bendy characters. c.urvy.org/

    Just dudes being starfighters in a fleet AND between the sheets, pretty cis https://starfightercomic.com/comic.php

    Single page comics (usually), humorous sex jokes, oglaf.com/

  • sharer278 [none/use name]
    6 months ago
    smut below

    I made an alt so I can recommend good manga smut. All numbers are from nhentai. net, a bad site that nonetheless has some gems hidden within. I tried to find transfem stuff.

    You can tell that most of these are either written or translated by chasers, so if that's an issue, stay away. There's some slurs in there, and they're not always that gender affirming.

    419054 is the most gender-affirming one here. This one involves a cis girl transing a close friend. This is the least chaser-y one here and is cute as well.

    260621 is the story of a questioning trans girl that gets sucked into a fantasy world of transfem orgies. This one is done by a chaser but it's hot. The main fantasy girl had to be modeled after Natalie Mars, right?

    If you find these numbers useful, I'll try to find more.

    • professionalduster
      6 months ago

      this stuff looks cool thank you!! I will check them out!! it's not working in my app (tachiyomi), is there a different source to find the same stuff? not sure how this stuff works

      also if u have any other recs I'm all ears :p

      • charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        I've found Yuruyakatou puts out some generally pretty good stuff that's pretty accepting of people exploring their gender. I haven't read their stuff from the last year, but they were the first to sorta pop to mind after seeing the what sharer278 put there.

      • sharer278 [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        Sorry this is a little esoteric. Go to the site shown and then add to the URL "/g/" and then the code.

        For example, this link here that leads to a fluffy bunny being pet and definitely not hentai:


        • professionalduster
          6 months ago

          I added a CW, you were the one that decided to engage with my post anyway? you could have just not opened the post after seeing the content warning. like cmon 😭

          • Venus [she/her]
            6 months ago

            You can't just cw inappropriate rule-breaking posts and then assume it's all good, there's some shit that doesn't belong on the site at all

              • Venus [she/her]
                6 months ago

                Yeah I'm a prude because I agree with this site's long-established rules. Fucking yikes

                • GayTuckerCarlson [none/use name]
                  6 months ago

                  I am a day one user. Low level, innocuous sex talk has always been allowed with a proper warning in an appropriate setting, especially queer sex talk

                  • Venus [she/her]
                    6 months ago

                    There is low-level innocuous sex talk, then there are like fifteen levels above that, and then above that you have "recommend me some specific works of pornography by name according to these sexual preferences"

                    Posts have been removed here for WAY less

                      • Venus [she/her]
                        6 months ago

                        Are you unaware of the difference between crassly-comedically titled educational books and pornography?

            • professionalduster
              6 months ago

              inappropriate rule-breaking posts ... that doesn't belong on the site at all


              your personal preferences don't dictate site policy. stop being extremely weird about this and take the L.

              • Venus [she/her]
                6 months ago

                I'm pretty sure that soliciting recommendations for gay porn is WAY beyond established precedent for removing posts due to their inappropriately sexual nature. If the admins decide to reverse their decision on things of this nature that's within their power but that will be something they will have to comment on one way or the other, and I will say that if they do rule that this post is acceptable I will be leaving the site because it will herald a new and awful era of this site

                • artificialset [she/her, fae/faer]
                  6 months ago

                  your comments being removed for being unnecessarily rude should be indication enough that this thread is fine and properly CW

                  • Venus [she/her]
                    6 months ago

                    The fact that a comm moderator is using their mod powers as a downvote button absolutely does not mean that the admins find posts soliciting recommendations for porn to be acceptable on this site and I'm sure that'll be discussed as well

                • professionalduster
                  6 months ago

                  If the admins decide to reverse their decision

                  nice sleight of hand but no in the code of conduct I just sent you the admins had never decided on this. a mod keeps removing your comments and has kept the post intact, I think it's pretty clear who the site staff thinks is being inappropriate here.

                  • Venus [she/her]
                    6 months ago

                    A comm mod using their mod powers as a downvote button has nothing to do with admins lol

                    • professionalduster
                      6 months ago

                      fascinating how you who refuses to admit fault will invert reality to prove you are still right. a mod removes your posts, but in Venus' world, this is "using their mod powers as a downvote button" and the post your removed comments are on is actually rule-breaking. please log off

    • professionalduster
      6 months ago

      actually my mom told me I'll get in lots of trouble :(